Staff only page

hi how do I make make a page that is staff only the staff will login and will get a button that when clicked will send them to there own page on the page will show what is there job title there profile pic there name and a about me bit at the top will be a page similar to WhatsApp a page similar to google docs and a page similar to google slides and a todo list and a page that they can see what is there next order when a customer orders them if you can help me ASAP if possible

On the user itself, you can create a Yes/No field named IsStaff, with a default of no if you’d like.

Then you can add your conditions to the button to show that if Current User’s IsStaff=Yes, then display the button, and that button will take them to the Staff Page.

You can also add a condition to the Staff Page that when the Page is Loaded and if the Current User’s IsStaff=No, then go somewhere else, that way non-staff users can’t access that page.

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Thank you but I can’t trust that the customer it going to pick yes just for fun

It was answered already: Current User’s IsStaff=Yes, then display the button, and that button will take them to the Staff Page.

Additionally, create a workflow on page load for the staff page where if the staff yes/no field is no for the current user then redirect to the index or something like that.

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I believe @Jaydengotham.G.E is wondering how the yes/no field gets set to yes, and they are saying if they have a way to set that field during sign up, then folks who are not staff might pick yes for the heck of it. You are absolutely right, of course, @Jaydengotham.G.E, and you won’t want to expose that control to users. You need to consider a “secure” way to mark the appropriate users as staff.

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Yes that’s right

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I got a idea I will draw it and put it on here

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so like a code

Who’s creating the users? Is there anyone managing those users?

no one is

Looks like we’re done here in this thread. :wink:

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