Status update: Bubble app emailing via free/shared Sendgrid down

As a non-coder, I did not find it “dead simple” (the DNS info they provided did not match the fields godaddy DNS offered)

And after i added the cname info, I could email, but my fullcalender scheduler license quit working.

Thanks for updating.

As a suggestion, I think you could ask SendGrid not to send previous messages that are stopped because they could block the account again.

Furthermore, I consulted the incident page and it appears as resolved. Could you please update the status of the incident as well?

We have a standing yellow banner in the status page: is that what you mean?

The status read: " Email sending for users who have not provided their own API key"

This is not true. I can’t send emails to domains that is hosted by Bubble. And YES i have my own API key. WHEN WILL YOU FIX THIS??

I wanted to set the SendGrid API keys for one of my client’s apps. as people have suggested but my client can’t sign up to Sendgrid

Hi all,
Same problem here.

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Hi fede.bubble, hope you are well.
Password reset email is still not working, not sending the email. Could you please kindly check that?

Since the first day they told me to get the Sendgrid API, I have not been able to access the Sendgrid Login.

@thinus1 @design.agx @berlico @bobby3 @dipaivabrito

Please submit a bug report via Bubble Support Center. (click the chat bot bottom right > send message > bug report). The more details and context you can share, the better to help the team triage issues

Hello @fede.bubble
I don’t get the point… why submit a bug on Bubble plateform whereas it seems like a Sendgrid issue ?

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According to Sendgrid, it is a Bubble issue…
No one is taking responsibility…

Thx @fede.bubble , I have done this on Monday already and Bubble’s feedback is poor…to say the least…

The original problem was that sendgrid had deactivated our account. That was resolved.

These other issues might be related in some way, so submitting tickets helps the team to both find the root cause of the issues and escalate to engineering if needed

@fede.bubble Thx. My service is back to normal.

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