Step by Step: Convert Bubble Apps to Native Mobile Apps in 30 minutes

Some tips before submitting to the play store

Tried to upload my app to the Google Play Store before working on the iOS version. A bit of a learning curve so I guess it’s worth posting it here.

Here’s the documentation #2

1. Update App ID

You have to edit the applicationId before submitting the app to the google play store. This ID uniquely identifies your app. Usually looks like com.example.myapp.

To make the change, go to Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Module: app), and find the applicationId attribute. It should be com.jasonette by default. Replace it with your own unique id.

2. Target API level

When uploading a bundle to the google play store, you have to Meet Google Play's target API level requirement  |  Android Developers. So, before creating the bundle, set the target API level to a higher version. Again, go to build.gradle (Module: app). You can find the targetsdkversion attribute there.

You should also change the compileSdkVersion because it cannot be lower than the targetsdkversion.

3. Upload a signed bundle

When releasing using Android App Bundles, you need to sign your app bundle with an upload key. To do this, click Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK… on the Menu bar. I guess I will write a step-by-step guide for this.