Stripe Auth with API Connector Error in Live

Hey everyone,

I keep getting the same error code:

“The service Stripe (Live) - Retrieve Checkout Session Line Items (LIVE) just returned an error (HTTP 401). Please consult their documentation to ensure your call is setup properly. Raw error: { "error": { "message": "You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth (e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY').”

However, I believe I have all of the correct authorization setup and in place (screenshots below).

For reference, I am attempting to connect a Stripe Webhook (checkout.session.complete) to a backend workflow to create a transaction in our database. It was working fine with testing setup, however now I seem to be having issues.

Thank you!

@whedrick Try using your API key like shown in attached image.

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Thank you @imrans - that is another alternative but the unfortunate answer is much simpler:

SOLUTION: I didn’t have our API key in the “Private Key” section, it was in the development key section. Make sure when converting to live to have this setup.

  • It’s always something simple isn’t it.
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