Stripe Charge Reloads Stripe

Is there a setting on the Plugin for the page to redirect the user back to? If there is you could change it to another page other than the product page.

Could you share a screen shot of that? I’m mostly interested in knowing the ‘Trigger’ event and knowing which actions are processing data to know how better resolve the issue.

In my apps I use the Stripe API and no plugin for more flexibility and control over the entire process. When doing this on redirect to my app after successful payment on Stripe Hosted Checkout Page there is a session id parameter in the URL and a path of ‘success’.

This is my Trigger and workflow

If the Bubble plugin is giving a workflow trigger based on a successful payment, I’m sure they are just looking at the URL to determine that, so instead of relying on their trigger you could create something like mine, and what you’d do is capture that ‘session_id’.

From there you could immediately navigate them to the thank you page and pass that session_id along, so that when on the thank you page you run the workflow to process the payment worklfow.

If you are interested in learning how to use the Stripe API and everything else associated with a complete Stripe integration from webhooks, backend workflows, shopping cart with multiple products and much more, you may find my Stripe Integration Course beneficial.

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