Stucked on deleting user from table

Hello! I am newbie and faced with next problem in my app - I have an page with table element on it, where placed users from database(data such as - avatar, name, login etc.). Also I have button - create user, to create new users in table, and two buttons against user data in row - “edit” and “delete”. So, my problem is next, when I logged in account, and create new accounts, I can edtit or delete only last created account, or if there 2 accounts, main and new created, it edit’s/delet’s my main account and make created account as main. More detailed will be on screenshots.

After button start to be unclickable, if main account was deleted. If we create on start more then 2 accounts, for example 4 - we can delete only 4-th account

You need to pass the data to your popup, when clicking on the delete button, add it to the workflow: look for - Elements actions - display data - current row’s… this should be the first action.

Made it, but it still same problem

How is your action to delete?

Here is workflow to open popup with confirmation of deletion

and here is deletion confirmation

Fixed already :grin:

Replace “Current User” with “Parent’s group User”,

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