So I’m thinking about posting this in “bugs” category but maybe i’m just overlooking something obvious…
I have a page, and on the page i can two elements, a text field, and a repeating group. now i can “do a search for” and :count that list of returned items (so it’s not a privacy issue right?)
but when i copy that exact search string into the data source for the repeating group, it loads nothing, i even tried entering some static text followed by the cells index # but nope, nothing loads… super weird. Anyone run into this before?
now i can “do a search for” and :count that list of returned items (so it’s not a privacy issue right?)
No, you can not exclude the privacy rules based on this info. It is totally possible the privacy rule returns stuff (so you can cound) but the stuff returned does not contains what you want.
Based on your second message where we can see 1 item being readable and 2 being expected, it must likely is a privacy rule issue.
Or maybe a page formatting that makes the first row not visible but I doubt that.
You should dig the privacy rule thing.
2 tips :
use the debug mode in order to inspect elements, so you can see what is really loaded in the RG
temporarily modify your privacy rule so that everybody can see everything and do every action → and recheck your page