Swipe to Workflow Action - New Plugin from Zeroqode


Regarding RG, can I define an action for each group in the RG?

For example: if I show a users tasks in a RG, can I define a “swipe left” task completion action in order to add to the database that the user completed this specific task?


Hello @shay152

Unfortunately it is not possible to define each individual cell an unique ID for plugin to make the action.
Thanks for understanding.

Zeroqode Team

Got it. Thanks. For the info.

Hello everyone,

I saw an error my app (actually development and live app) about swipe element.

Do you have an idea about it?

My problem is that when I swipe my repeating group left or rright, scroll to entry of an RG action is not working now? But When I copy the component and paste it new page is workin very well and I don’t see this error?

Hi @enesefe, thanks for reaching out.
Sorry for the late reply due to the weekend.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t reproduce this error on our side.
In order to help you with resolving the issue, we need to understand how exactly you configured the plugin. Thus, please share with us the screenshots of all elements, namely: plugin element, workflows, and the Repeating Group.

We will be happy to assist you once you will share the screenshots of your settings with us.
Best regards, :pray:
Zeroqode Support Team.

Hi @levon, I can’t make the specific elements swipe work. I put in the element IDs the attribute of a RG, tried it with a normal group but it doesn’t detect my swipe action on the element. Could you help me find a solution please ?

Hi @louislherrou, thanks for reaching out!

First of all, in the repeating group, you need to create a group with ID Attribute. To make it possible for the plugin to understand which exact cell you are swiping, you need to assign a Dynamic ID for your group which is inside of your RG , and the same for the swipe detector.

Besides, you need to add a workflow to the plugin’s element:

Hope this helps.
Zeroqode Team


is it possible inside a repeating group when i swipe left a specific group to cancel the actions on the other cells?

For example in whatsapp when you swipe left a chat (e.g. to delete) the other chats delete buttons (or setting options) are hidden so the only chat that thas the setting option active is the one in the current cell.

Hi @jdiazarmas,
Thank you for reaching out, we highly appreciate your interest in our plugins.

Unfortunately not, currently, the Swipe to Workflow Action Plugin allows applying swipe to a specific element or a list of elements by their ID attribute separated by commas.

In other words, you can use this plugin to perform workflow actions when someone swipes the Repeating Group itself or any other Bubble elements. Make sure to set the same Element IDs or choose to apply swipe to the whole page.

Please see the screenshots below and check our test page for more examples:

Hope it helps. :pray:
If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
Zeroqodoe Support Team.

Hi everyone,
Glad to announce that we have updated the Swipe to Workflow Action Plugin to Verision 1.17.0. with some Minor Fixes.

Please check it out and thank you for using it. :pray:
Zeroqode Support Team. :slightly_smiling_face:


Swipe Detector is triggering even when invisible.

I’m in the debugger right now and when running my app step by step, and using my touch screen laptop to navigate, the swipe detector will constantly trigger itself even though the element is invisible.

You guys finally fixed the multiple triggering issue, so I figured I might as well toss my hat in the ring for this issue

Hi @drixxon,

Thank you for bringing out this question :slight_smile:

In order to create your use-case on our side and provide some insights on this situation, please attach more information and screenshots on how you use this plugin and the elements attached to it.

Thank you for understanding :hugs: