Hi forum. I am trying to sort data in a table (not a repeating group) by a field that is coming from a linked data type, different from the data type I am using in the table. In the list of fields available to sort on, I only see the fields available in the table’s data type list of fields.
Anyone knows a workaround?? Without that, a good part of my app becomes useless…
Put a field on the data type that is in your RG and make that field of type text to represent whatever the field of the related data type is you want to sort by
Thank you but I am not sure I know what you mean. Would you be able to show a sample screenshot of where you use the “:filtered drop-down” and advanced filtering?
Ok thanks. But that means I have to create a workflow that will fill that field with the values from the other tables, right? That seems like a heavy workaround…?
You already have to populate the related field right? So what is so heavy about having to add another field in the same action if that means you can achieve the goal of sorting without a slow advanced filter that uses a lot of WUs to search for the related data type.
If you already have a lot of test data or live data that needs to be altered, simply set up a backend workflow to populate the new field and then use the bulk feature in app data from within the editor.
It would take me about 3 minutes to get it done in an app of mine if I needed.
At the moment I do not have to populate the field, no. The field sits within a different data type and I want to avoid redundancy. In my example, I have a data type for “Subscriptions” with a field for “Renewal date” and I have another data type for “Ratings” with a field “Overall Rating”. I am trying to sort, in the table, the list of “Ratings” based on the renewal date that I can find in the “Subscriptions” data type. I don’t have a “Renewal date” field in my “Ratings” data type. I hope that makes sense…
In order to sort the Ratings data type by the Renewal Date coming from the Subscriptions data type, you can either use an Advanced filter that is slow and consumes WUs, or when you are creating the Subscriptions data type and then modifying the Ratings data type to populate the field of Subscription that is related to the subscription data type, you can add a field to the Ratings data type called Subscription Renewal date and make of type date and in the same action you are modifying the Ratings data type to relate the subscription to the subscription field on Ratings, you can then also populate the field of Renewal date so that you will have the ability to sort by the Renewal date without the need of an Advanced filter or incur WU charges.
I do as well, but in some cases we might have to do things we don’t really want to do, which could be either, removing the feature of sorting by renewal date, dealing with the redundancy of data or a slower performing application that costs more to operate.