Testing if an image stored in a custom state is the same as an image displayed in a picture uploader

I’m trying to create a “save indicator” using conditional statements. Everything works for the other input elements but the picture uploader doesn’t work the same (see screenshot) What am I missing?

There should be the operator is not instead of the one you’re using is not in (meant for list fields)

The operator “is not” is available for the other input elements but it is NOT available for the picture uploader element…Why?

Make sure your custom state isn’t a list field, and try flipping the expression around:
golf_bag's CSClubImg is not PictureUploader's value

Yeah, I tried flipping it. It still does not allow the “is not” operator to be used. I have verified that the CSClubImg state is not a list. It seems like it is treating is as a list though.

I’m pretty sure the “is not in” operator is used because the type is image.

I just need an expression to test if the value of the picture uploader is changed from it’s initial value.

Strange, could you try comparing the URLs:
image uploaders' value's URL is not custom state's URL so it’s comparing text

That worked, thanks for your help.

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