I am building a notification bar with a repeating group inside that contains all of the notifications for the user. When the panel (reusable floating element) and I send a notification it adds a new row with the correct height for the contents. If, however, I reload the page or navigate to another page the repeating group cells reset to the default height of the cell and I get cut off text. Does anyone why it’s not reflecting the correct height of the cell?
Will do. Didn’t realize that was a bug-level issue, but hopefully it can be rectified. I have the same issue happening elsewhere, but I’ll keep this bug report to this issue only and create a separate one for the other
Confirmed on our end. Our engineering team will look into it soon and we will get back to you via our support channel on the bug report. Thanks for the report!
Hi @richardsherman nice looking app and notification bar. I am also interested in some insight into how to create a data table like that. Did you build it manually from scratch or are you using a plug-in? Thanks!
Update here for future reference. In order to achieve the functionality we needed here we ended up changing from a notification bar into a Group Focus element toggled by the same click. It handles the repeating group’s dynamic height better, and generally makes the feature DRYer by embedding it into the main menu.
Sidebar - @lantzgould I can do that but it would be better to take this to a different conversation. Shoot me a DM and I’ll try to answer any questions you have
@FJP I built this from scratch. It handles event notifications, app admin notifications and per-user direct messages. There isn’t support for a central inbox yet, but it wouldn’t be hard to create it. It’s a pretty robust simple framework to create the logic and from there it’s just adding additional types of notifications to be processed
Yes, I did build the table from scratch. it’s all state-based. again, too much for this post, but I’ll definitely do a rundown when I’m all done with everything and launch the d*** app!