Toast under blurred Popup background

Perhaps a plugin category…

Having here the Popup to upload a file, if file is not a PDF then a toast is shown.

How for a “Toast” to appear on the front the blurred background that Popup has?

Hello, @another!

Would you please clarify if you are using our MyAlerts plugin?

Zeroqode Support Team

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Hi, yes! MyAlerts plugin.

Also I see now how the plugin version that I have is not updated, now is v.1.3.0, and the latest is v.1.7.0.

I am wondering if I click to update, if I would need to go through out the platform, to update certain thing, or if nothing will change with the update; except how plugin will be better by itself?


@another ,

As per our tests, changing the plugin version will do nothing in your case. Indeed, every second time you open the popup, a toasted alert appears blurred. Let us please investigate it with the developer team.

It might take some time due to the upcoming weekend but please be sure we get back to you once there is any update.

Zeroqode Support Team

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Thanks a lot for your patience, @another :slight_smile:

We have made a plugin update that fixes the blurriness of the 1-5 plugin’s toast messages + “Toast a Question”. Now everything should be fine. To check this, please update your plugin to the latest 1.9 version.

Hope it helps!
Zeroqode Support Team

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Great guys! Thanks! It looks great! Great service!

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You are always welcome, @another :hugs:

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