I have a popup where a user can change their information. All of the information is different fields of the same type. When the user changes their first name but not their last name, a new record should be created noting the change of the first name.
The problem is everything is changed with the same workflow (button press) and all at once. If the changes were made per field then I wouldn’t have this problem.
What are the options here to evaluate what was changed and then creating a record for each field that was changed.
you can do it, by usign input autobond feture. and an helper field.
Do it this way, make two field of same thing, one is the actual field, and other is copy.
line : Name __previous_Name .
Autobond every input with there respective field whcihis name , and also make workflow for eveyinput , which get trigger every time an that input change.
inside the workflwo, check the current Field naem against helper field, and if they different ,
record a log of new value and then change the helper field to new value so it work next time too.
@deon1 i was just doing my prayer and it come to my mind that … there is also another way , without any helper field, you can also use database trigger in backed for every change.
Database trigger give you the database thing both state… Before change … And … After change.
Hi @Baloshi69, thanks for the input. However I need it to only update on a single button press. So that eliminates the auto binding feature and the workflow per input.
This however reminds me that upon press on the button I can conditionally set workflows to run and create if input <> current value for each field. I was just hoping there is a more dynamic way of doing it.