Trigger Custom Event name not showing

Hi all

I created a trigger custom event on the backend and gave it an event name

When I try to trigger that event in the workflow, the event name does not show in the trigger custom event name dropdown.

Any idea what the issue could be?

For backend workflow you will need to use the option “Schedule a backend workflow” (I think this is the name). Then the event should show up…

Thanks but it also does not show up because it is a backened “trigger custom event” and not an API workflow

And if you call a backend workflow that calls the backend event? :sweat_smile: just thinking…

lol I have no idea how to do that

Try this…

  1. Create a backend workflow (ex.: MyWorkflow)
  2. In its first step, add a “Trigger custom event” and point it to your backend event.
  3. In your app, instead of try to trigger the event that is in backend, use the option to “Schedule a API workflow” and point it to the “MyWorkflow”

Tell me if worked!

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I followed these exact steps but when I create the “trigger custom event” for the new backend workflow, I encounter the same issue, the backend event name does not show in the dropdown menu.

Just tryed here… it worked…

Can you share a print?

Thanks for your patience.

Ok I replicated what you did and achieved the same result. I figured out now the source of the confusion: What I am trying to trigger is not a custom event, but rather a “database trigger event”. (I still am unable to trigger it)

No problem dude! :+1:

So, the “database trigger event” runs automatically every time your database changes.
It is not “triggerable” manually…

Check here:

Just to clarify, what you are trying to do with this trigger?

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aha, let me give this a read then, thanks

I am trying to create it that whenever a new thing is created (job order), a new unique ID is created. I am doing this by following the following instructions and images from another thread:

Blockquote in summary the solution is:

Lets say you want unique, sequential order numbers that increment by 1

  1. Create a backend workflow that triggers on a new database trigger event (in my case an order)
  2. Make changes to the order “order now” where it does a search for all orders that have a creation date less than or equal to “this orders creation date” (MAKE STATIC) count +1

That’s it!


Screenshot 2020-06-11 15.51.17

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