Unable to get stripe.js plugin to work

hello, I’m French so excuse me for the translation

I would like to use the tripe.js plugin
I put the link of the plugin: Stripe.js 2 Plugin | Bubble

but I can’t configure it to have the authorizations

however I created my tripe account in test mode

put the public key and the private key, taking care to type beforehand: Bear before the secret key

but the plugin doesn’t seem to work

This is the message I get

any idea?

Hi @bubbleweb5151 , how are you?

It looks like you have put your test keys in the live key section.

Try moving the keys with “test” in to the keys section that have “dev” in it and see if that works

thank you very much for your answer

in fact it worked correctly, it was me who configured my trail flow which generated an error