Uploading students via file upload (CSV) on the frontend and adding those students to a user

Hi all,

I have an app where a user can create students for a school app I’ve developed. The user can add students individually or they can add students in bulk using a CSV file (I’ve followed bubble’s tutorial here - How to Use The File Uploader Element | Bubble Quick Tip - YouTube).

Everything is working fine and the CSV file upload does exactly what I want it to do and adds all the students to the “Student” table, however, there’s another field in the “User” table that is called “Students” which lists all the students that user has created. Does anyone know how I can bulk add all the students to the “Students” table but also add those students unique ID’s to the user who created them in the “User” table field?
I’m assuming it will be a backend workflow but I’m not quite sure where to start as the file upload part isn’t a typical DB addition.

My DB structure looks something like this -

Students (list of many)

Year group


Does anyone know if this tutorial will work? Creating user accounts with CSV Bubble.io - YouTube

I’m hesitant to use a temporary table if I don’t need to but if this is the only way then I guess I’ll do it this way but thought I’d ask first. Thanks!

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