UTF8 should be the encoding you have. (You can test encoding here: https://www.urlencoder.org/) …
I’ve checked the documentation really fast. I don’t know which endpoint you are fetching, but they seem to allow use of JSON… you should probable convert your request to JSON
Ho… this is a response you get in backend WF that is encoded? In UTF8 urlencode should be =r%C3%A9ponse%20%C3%A0%20mon%20message or r%C3%A9ponse+%C3%A0+mon+message They are not using utf8 but Windows-1252 … maybe not supported by Bubble. Never tested.
Idea: I don’t know if this is available, but maybe they have an endpoint to get the SMS using the id? Like GET endpoint /id=
And the response will be in JSON I guess.
If not available, maybe there’s a plugin to parse it
(Decode URL/URI SSA (Server Side) Plugin | Bubble) ?
Or reach allsmsapi to ask them to really encode it in utf8 (and this is the standard to use actually)
yes I tried this already, but if people send xx responses, they send back all the responses in one message…
So I’m pinged by a new message
Get this one to their endpoint like “hello you”
The userrsend a second message like “how are you”
I’m pinged again
I ping their endpoint again and get “hello you how are you”