URL Escape Codes (GET endpoint)

Hello fam!

I’m using Allmysms (SMS provider);

They send responses to Sent sms to my GET endpoint in Bubble

But accent seems to be UREL encoded, so Bubble can’t get it right :

For “réponse à mon message” I got “r%E9ponse %E0 mon message”

An idea on how to replace those encoded car but not using xx find&replace :sweat_smile: as there’s a lot of escape codes… URL escape codes

Thank you

Theses characters are always encoded. Can you share API doc? Maybe they have a specific encoding request?

they say UTF8…

You can see as they send the message, last url parameter here

the letter é seems to be unicode U+00E9
They format it as %E9

UTF8 should be the encoding you have. (You can test encoding here: https://www.urlencoder.org/) …
I’ve checked the documentation really fast. I don’t know which endpoint you are fetching, but they seem to allow use of JSON… you should probable convert your request to JSON

I don’t make any api call. I’m receiving their call on my GET endpoint on Bubble.

Seems Toolbox plugin can uridecode, but I’m searching right now how to use it

I’m going to end with find and replace lol

Ho… this is a response you get in backend WF that is encoded? In UTF8 urlencode should be =r%C3%A9ponse%20%C3%A0%20mon%20message or r%C3%A9ponse+%C3%A0+mon+message They are not using utf8 but Windows-1252 … maybe not supported by Bubble. Never tested.


I asked bubble support. I tried find&replace with no succes, as the value of the parameter already comes with � instead of %09 …

Idea: I don’t know if this is available, but maybe they have an endpoint to get the SMS using the id? Like GET endpoint /id=
And the response will be in JSON I guess.
If not available, maybe there’s a plugin to parse it
(Decode URL/URI SSA (Server Side) Plugin | Bubble) ?
Or reach allsmsapi to ask them to really encode it in utf8 (and this is the standard to use actually)

yes I tried this already, but if people send xx responses, they send back all the responses in one message…

So I’m pinged by a new message
Get this one to their endpoint like “hello you”
The userrsend a second message like “how are you”
I’m pinged again
I ping their endpoint again and get “hello you how are you”

An this is also double WU punishment ahah

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