Use data from hidden element in workflow

I would like to use hidden repeating group as a help to another repeating group datalist.
How can I use value of hidden element in workflow?

Hi @alonoffice4389

A repeating group can be referenced even if invisible. Can you provide a bit more detail on what you’re trying to do?

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I have used hidden repeating groups before in various ways to help create datalists in a visible repeating group…I have no started to rely on the list shifter plugin or custom state values as a list to hold a list value that will never need to be seen.

What is great about referencing invisible repeating group is that you can do so much more with that data than using a list custom state! … they can have default data sources, conditional data sources, or have their data set by a workflow

I need to get the list data when the page is load. can I get the repeating group value from it’s state?

I need to run each data table cell and by the data of it I filter details from another table.

  • Decide where you are going to run the search on page load. A state list or a hidden RG
  • The RG can be placed in a popup that you never call. This way you ensure that is loaded on the page (popups are always loaded) and hidden.
  • Then you can set your other visible RG to loag the hidden RG’s value which is a list of things
  • Or … if you do not want to use a hidden RG … then just load the state list onto your visible RG
  • As I suggested before … the advantage of hidden RGs is that you can set their data on workflows and condition their search

Hope this helps :+1:

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thank you very much!

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