User upload of multiple images at one time

We’re unfortunately still on v3, and they don’t have a changelog I think, which makes the change not unsafe for existing users.

OK, anyway, for those who struggle on iOS, workaround is available.

When you use this workaround you’re still using the element right? you’re just adding the class?

So I’m adding the line I mentioned, surrounded with script tags, to an HTML block. And I move this block as low on the page as possible (so that dropzone exists in the DOM already).
If you can do something similar in your current version of dropzone, without installing v4, that should do the trick.

Can you share a page?

Check group “Community page” and there “HTML dropzone fix”

Thanks, we’ll push that today or tomorrow.


Is there any development in using the Dropzone Multi-file uploader? I’m building a specialized photo app and the users say uploading one photo at a time is a not good enough, especially since it’s so slow uploading it and then getting it to show in the repeating group showing uploaded photos.

Looked at template and see their upload is single and slow, but their showing images in repeating groups is lightning fast (compared to mine). Why is that?

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Can you change the color formatting to be #FFFFFF please?
Or transparent… (then users can just set the color of the background-container).

The rest of the default formatting is fine; but that green is really really bad haha…
I can’t be the only one who thinks so. I don’t know where that green could possibly work.

Unless one of the developers here is building an app for this thing :grin:

Also - is there any security vulnerabilities here - if the uploaded files are set to public?
Particularly with an application that is very heavily reliant on user-generated content - that may or may not come from respectable, wholesome users…

Somebody uploading a script as a file and using it as an access point for an attack/hack, for example.
Is this at all a concern?
I am wondering if maybe this plugin is best suited for SaaS type products rather than social networks.

All the files on my end would be represented with an image element.

That all being said - it would be great if we could limit the files types to just images in the element settings.

Wait wait

May just be able to hide the multiuploader when it’s not empty.
Transfer the files to image or image-uploader elements – then save them as image items from there.

That could resolve both concerns.
Will try that tomorrow.
The other ideas seem practical as well though. Worth considering
That multi file uploader is great.

My forum posts are always so impulsive😭
Throws cellphone - runs away covering face - hides under blanket

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