Not necessary and I would remove this step
Because the thing was deleted.
I would change the conditional to reference the custom state and no the URL parameter
Also, when using URL parameters and pushing a unique ID into the value, you can on the get data from URL select the type of data it is and no need to do any contains id as Bubble will already know what entry it is…but again, in this case, remove the condition you have and reference the custom state value, also in the text remove the dynamic expression for search and reference the custom state value.
I wouldn’t bother, and I’d just write successfully deleted and be done with it.
As a side note
If there is a desire to have just a single warning popup used throughout the entire app, to build in a modular approach, you can put the warning popup into a reusable header if the header is used everywhere in the app. In order to do so, you can create custom triggers to set the custom states on the warning popup to populate which data entry is to be deleted, but these custom triggers are on the reusable header with the popup already in place. When creating the custom triggers you can use the parameters on the custom trigger, to match the custom states on the reusable popup (ie: if 10 custom states on popup, then 10 parameters on the custom trigger).
When you set up like this, then on any page anywhere in the app where the reusable header is, you can trigger a custom event from a reusable, which would be to trigger the custom event on the reusable header, send the appropriate parameters, which then has the custom state set onto the warning popup.
Please note, this is an advanced use case.
Additionally, this can be done for an error alert. In a reusable header create a trigger for when an unhandled error occurs to show a popup that displays the message. This will allow you to have a single trigger in the entire app to display just one popup in the entire app to display an error message to a user for anything that happens in the app that gets caught by the unhandled error trigger event.