Validate shopify webhooks in bubble

Hi All,

I am receiving webhooks from shopify in bubble and I want to validate them and for some reason bubble is not including headers in raw body when I reference RequestData.rawbodytext because of which validation is failing.

Is there a way I can add headers along with body before passing it to HMAC SHA 256?

You could use a service like validate the wehook there and then comunicate with your bubble app.



But then how would you validate the hookdeck request to your app? I’ve seen @MattN recommend this as well in a video but don’t understand how it doesn’t just create the same issue.

you can generate an API token in bubble and pass it from hookdeck

No thanks, would never store my API token in a random 3rd party service. The way Bubble works, you can’t assign granular control to API tokens, it gives full admin access to the entire database. If you want to do this, you’d be better off generating a metadata field with a random string and checking it against that.

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