Suppose one wanted to build a Bubble app with an internal unit of account that enables users to transact with one another. Facebook Credits is a pretty good example. Is there any reason to use some sort of private blockchain, other than being able to say you use a blockchain? It seems Bubble is capable of handling such a task, since a credit system is simply based on database entries.
Would it be foolish to attempt to build a virtual currency within a Bubble app, using the Bubble DB? What kind of security risks would that pose?
i think the question is, where would the money come from. like in a blockchain, you need to “mine” for money, right? But if you want on bubble, you can simply make a stripe purhcase for “10 credits”, or when someone creates an account you can init their account with 5 credits, etc.
So different cryptocurrencies may use various methods of coin generation. At the end of the day, each is simply a unit of account. I like your idea about purchasing credits via Stripe, since that would be fairly straightforward. Of course their 2.9% processing fee is rather large in this instance.
An interesting example of this concept is used by a small company named ITEX. They use an internal unit of account to facilitate a business to business credit exchange.
It’s private, but I’ll try to explain the logics:
When a user signs up it receives 8 points (each user has a number field “points”, and on sign up workflow I added “points = 8”)
The when the user tries to vote each one will cost 1 point, so in the voting button I made a if “current user points is => 1” then run the workflow and subtract 1 point (current user’s points - 1)
Users receive points from sharing, posting, being favorited etc.
VocĂŞ conseguiu implementar sem problemas essa funcionalidade? Como vocĂŞ a conectou com o sistema de pagamentos? VocĂŞ estaria disposto a bater um papo a respeito?