Hi @kuntaykunt,
Multipart uploading is required for files that exceed the 5GB limit. For example, if you upload 5 files and at least one of them is larger than 5GB, you will need to use the Multipart uploading actions.
You still have the option to do that! The current issue is that the “S3 URL” state from “Files (read)” is not returning a value, which is likely why you can’t save it to the database - it’s empty.
The issue lies with the state mentioned above. We have not detected any problems with saving URLs to the Bubble database. Could you please provide more details about this issue? We are unable to replicate it on our side.
Additionally, can you confirm that you tried saving the URL from the “Last Uploaded Files” state, and was the URL missing from the database?
From what we understand (and please correct us if we’re wrong), you are using the Wasabi uploader with a repeating group showing the files from the “Files (read)” state. The repeating group’s Type of Content is “File(Wasabi)” and the Data Source is “Wasabi A’s Files (read)” - similar to this screenshot. Each cell has files with a delete button, which deletes the file from the bucket and removes the files the list in the RG (most likely using the “Remove file from input” action).
Could you provide more details on your use case, along with screenshots? We’d like to gather all the information to provide you with more accurate suggestions!
Yes, currently, those fields are set as static. We will discuss this with the developers to see if there were any safety concerns that prevented them from being dynamic and we will get back to you about this.
However, we’re not entirely sure we understand what you mean by “option sets.” The fields are static and cannot currently accept dynamic data like option sets.
We hope to gather all the necessary data and provide you with a better understanding of how the plugin works!
Best regards