☁️Wasabi Cloud Storage Plugin

Hi @kuntaykunt,

Multipart uploading is required for files that exceed the 5GB limit. For example, if you upload 5 files and at least one of them is larger than 5GB, you will need to use the Multipart uploading actions.

You still have the option to do that! :slight_smile: The current issue is that the “S3 URL” state from “Files (read)” is not returning a value, which is likely why you can’t save it to the database - it’s empty.

The issue lies with the state mentioned above. We have not detected any problems with saving URLs to the Bubble database. Could you please provide more details about this issue? We are unable to replicate it on our side.

Additionally, can you confirm that you tried saving the URL from the “Last Uploaded Files” state, and was the URL missing from the database?

From what we understand (and please correct us if we’re wrong), you are using the Wasabi uploader with a repeating group showing the files from the “Files (read)” state. The repeating group’s Type of Content is “File(Wasabi)” and the Data Source is “Wasabi A’s Files (read)” - similar to this screenshot. Each cell has files with a delete button, which deletes the file from the bucket and removes the files the list in the RG (most likely using the “Remove file from input” action).

Could you provide more details on your use case, along with screenshots? We’d like to gather all the information to provide you with more accurate suggestions!

Yes, currently, those fields are set as static. We will discuss this with the developers to see if there were any safety concerns that prevented them from being dynamic and we will get back to you about this.

However, we’re not entirely sure we understand what you mean by “option sets.” The fields are static and cannot currently accept dynamic data like option sets.

We hope to gather all the necessary data and provide you with a better understanding of how the plugin works!

Best regards :sunflower:

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Great update

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Hi @georgecollier,

We’ve listened to our users and decided to implement these significant changes. Since the plugin has a different upload process, it can’t be compared to the security of the keys and files.

If you have any concerns or questions, we’d be happy to help :hugs:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Hello again ,

Problem # 1 - Saving to Bubble

In workflow it says the field should be Uploaded File , it was File before.



Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 19.56.06

There are three new types in data fields , uploaded , deleted , retrieved.

If you say use Uploaded file , then what i should do in RG is minus list of Deleted ones , so i need to create another field for those ones again. Or am i missing something.

Problem # 2 - Progress Bar Values at multiple file upload at once

When uploading multiple files at once , progress bar doesn’t loading like before , it looks like trying to show one by one , i do not know if you tried , it looks awkward.

Problem # 3 - Too much waiting on customers first download , upload attempt

In your demo page it is slow , too. Progress is not starting at first , it starts after a while. If i put something for customer side , it does not look ok. I have to say , before version has better performance for uploading , no wait at all , so in downloading scenario , for the first download it was ok to wait. Now , waiting for all kind because creating pre-signed url every time. If you manage uploading progress start at first with creating pre-signed url may be this could get better.

Bonus Problem - Option Set for Bucket Informations

I can use option set for the element in the page. I can change bucket name and location in Wasabi system in the future , and if i do , i can easily change it in bubble with just one option set key value set. This is not available in workflow.

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Hi @kuntaykunt,

We really appreciate the additional details you provided!

If you’ve created a database field with the type “File (Wasabi)” (Files (Read)), you won’t be able to save them using the “Uploaded File (Wasabi)” type. We’ll provide a fix for the “File (Wasabi)” state not returning the file URL, allowing you to save URLs in the database as before. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused :pray:

In the meantime, you may need to create a new file for the “Uploaded File (Wasabi)” state, but this should be a temporary solution until the fix is deployed!

Since the Internet speed is quite high, we didn’t notice such behavior during the plugin testing. We reported this issue to the developers, who will investigate it further. The Upload Progress state doesn’t appear to indicate the upload of a specific file, but we’ve noticed that it resets to 0 after a file has been uploaded, resulting in such behavior.

As we transferred everything of the plugin to the server-side, this is an expected behavior known as a Cold Start. Server-side actions have a specific set of modules that Bubble temporarily installs during the first execution of the action. To bypass this behavior and speed up the installation of the required libraries, we can execute the action “Create Presigned URL” when the page loads using a dummy object. This way, the action will run before the user interacts with the page, eliminating the unpleasant delay caused by Bubble installing the necessary module. Here is a screenshot showing an example of how this action can be set up. Since the action will trigger at the page load, when it comes time for the user to upload images, the action will execute significantly faster.

However, it’s important to note that this cold start is beyond our control, so this workaround is the best we can do!

We’ve forwarded the feedback to the developers to make the fields in the “Create Presigned URL” action dynamic, so you’ll be able to create Presigned URLs with more flexibility or put options sets there and achieve the use case you had previously. We’ll notify you when this is possible in the plugin!

I hope this clarifies more points. Please let us know if you have any further questions :hugs:

Best regards :sunflower:

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Hello again :wave: ,

Problem # 1 Uploaded File in bubble database

I am afraid , creating uploaded file in bubble database and making a workflow after the upload function doesn’t seems working. I have tried with “set list” , that does not work either. I have tried with “Only when” state to push to function pass the files to next workflow but no success. There is something wrong . As an example , i want to hide S3 element with the file count , state “Uploaded File Count” to limit user with a number of files , that does not work either. Did you check you return values in bubble , i think about it should be reseting its state after an upload ,or while uploading , no information can be parsed to bubble…

Problem # 2 Upload Progress for multiple file

I am sure of it. I have tried several times with several number of files recently. As an example , when you try to upload 3 files at once , it shows 3 times 0 → 100 when it is totally done goes no value or 0.

I don’t want to push so much but i have 13 file upload groups in my app. Those groups have S3 element , progress bar , loading image , RG , download , upload icons… :sweat_smile: So i have thirty something errors in the application , because of those errors , i care so much :nerd_face: , no heart feelings please :smiley: , thank you for your support :+1:

Hi @kuntaykunt,

Problem # 1 - Saving to Bubble

The reason the “Last Uploaded Files” state is empty when saving is that the states don’t populate immediately after the Upload action is triggered. The “Last Uploaded Files” state will contain all the information about the uploaded files after they’ve been successfully uploaded. The Upload action simply initiates the upload process.

To resolve this behavior, you can use an event like “File Upload Successful” from our plugin. This event will be triggered when all the files are uploaded. You can add an action like “create a new thing…” or “make changes to a thing…” within this workflow, and the file information should be added successfully to the database without making it empty.

I hope this explanation makes sense. Please let us know if you have any further questions about this point :pray:

Problem # 2 - Progress Bar Values at Multiple File Uploads

Are you using the “Upload Progress” state from the element? We’re currently testing this feature, and yes, it resets back to 0 after each file upload. However, the state transitions to 100 when all files are uploaded. You can see a recording of how the state works on our end. Does it do the same on your side?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We’re committed to ensuring the stability of our plugins, and we’re actively trying to work on rectifying these behaviors. Thank you so much for the concerns, but it is a delight to communicate with you :hugs:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Hello @ZeroqodeSupport :wave: ,

Thank you , this is done! , Element options with pre-states are good idea
It is on the video , too. if it looks like a single upload progress for multiple files , it should look more robust

I appreciate the support.

PS. My eyes are on the roads for update. :nerd_face:

Hello All :wave: ,

Here is how i have solved my problem ,

Action Side

First - Element : File Added (Upload Starts Here)
Second - Element : Upload Started (This should let you save the File(wasabi) to bubble database) (@ZeroqodeSupport when upload is started it is writing to bubble database correctly.)


You can create a condition like below to show an animation
S3’s Uploading is yes or Files(read):count >0
This should show the animation before the upload starts.

Deleting Files

I have created state on my file groups. This state indicates the index number of delete icon cell. This way with 2 workflow , you can delete file from wasabi and when it is successfully deleted remove it from bubble database File(wasabi).

You can keep track of count of files from single data point in bubble , dynamically like before.

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Hi @kuntaykunt,

We truly appreciate your efforts in providing these updates on the thread. Many users will undoubtedly find this information extremely helpful :hugs:

We value your commitment to ensuring that the plugin functions as intended. We will notify you when an update is released, addressing the previous behaviors!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other concerns or questions. We would be happy to help :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

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