We need an expert in TTS

Hi there!

We are building an app, and we need it to “talk to the users,” so we want to add TTS functionality. Specifically, we need it to offer voices in Latin American Spanish for both male and female options.

By the way, we are building this as a native app (using Build Natively), so the solution needs to be compatible.

We hope you can help us!

Best regards,



you easily integrate Open Ai into it, if you can tell me speci3use case i can be more helpful

They are plenty of options on the marketplace @mac.sanchez

I have some of them published, feel free to reach out for specific advices.

For an all in one solutions: AI BOT + Groq/Deepgram/ElevenLabs (AI BOT + Groq/Deepgram/ElevenLabs Plugin | Bubble)

I don’t know what comes close and if you need anything added thats beneficial to the development, im sure @pork1977gm will help.

By @pork1977gm

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Many many thanks! This is exactly what I needed speech to speech cause I was going crazy with the current multi steps / integrations!