Webhook not triggering workflow

I have a few webhooks set up from Postmark to trigger various things (such as updating the Bubble thing when the email is opened/clicked etc).

Using “detect data”, I am seeing a valid return, but when I try and do this “for real”, it’s not triggering the workflow.

To test it, I’m:

  1. Clicking “detect data”
  2. Going to the front end and triggering the email to be sent
  3. Observing that it goes through Postmark and “detect data” returns a valid response.

I’ve enabled data API on a “debug” data type and given privacy rules full access, but that’s not updating either, despite the response still being valid.

I’m probably missing something obvious, any help would be appreciated!

Did rou remove /initiale from the url where you call it?

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Man - thank you! I keep tripping over these seemingly basic steps, very frustrating - appreciate your help!

What’s the minimum requirement here in terms of privacy rules/API access? Can I remove any of hte “privileges” I’ve shown in my screenshot?

Create update and delete in privacy rules are related to Data API not to Backend workflow API. Actually, by doing the ignore privacy rules already give all permissions on thing. I don’t know what your flow is doing exactly so it’s hard to tell you a specific solution. You may consider using api key, user auth or another option to secure things.

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