What is the correct way of merging data sources? (To show following and your post at feed)

Hello, I am currently building a Twitter clone on Bubble io. I am currently wondering what is the best way of merging two data sources and displaying it. I try using the “merge with” but it didn’t work at all. So what is the solution to here?


You want to merge or sort information? And which two tables do you want? It would be helpful if you can share some screenshots of your database structure

I’m basically building a social media feed (like Twitter) where it only show the post of people you are following and your post

You can then use privacy rules instead of applying constraints on the RG.

Use the “merged with” operator in your repeating group data source. Write your first search (posts of people you are following) and merged with and then write your second search (your own posts). Similar to below…


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