Why No String Literals in Lists of Type Text?

It doesn’t seem possible to type string literals into the dynamic expression builder when constructing a dynamic list of strings. Is that right, or am I overlooking something? And if you can’t, why not? Is there any reason this shouldn’t be possible?

My proposed solution was out of context! :joy:

Thanks for the reply, @JohnMark, but I might be misunderstanding. It’s not clear how that would work on lists, since “formatted as text” returns a “text” and not a “list of texts”.

To illustrate what I’m trying to accomplish, consider a state that is a list of things of type Photo, each photo having a property called Title of type “text”. Is it possible, outside the context of a repeating group, to create a list of strings that say, “This image called [photo title] was created on [created date].”

Ultimately, I’d like the Bubble developer to be able to “build” this string in the property editor. I just don’t think it’s possible, though, as there’s no way to enter string literals and no notion of “the current list item”. This is precisely the kind of thing that RG’s can address, but for other (technical) reasons, I’ve decided against RG’s for a plugin I’m building.

Don’t know if that makes sense, but I have an idea for a way to proceed, but it’s not particulary Bubble-like. :confused:

I will leave room for experts on this issue. Thanks for the details, I understand better. Not going with RG, it’s not obvious. But I understand the need for a ‘plugin’. You have to get all the information on one line, and processed it, or probably someone else will come up with a real solution. :wink:

No worries. I should have been more clear in my initial post. While the main question is not really plugin-specific, it might have been better to post the question there. Thanks for responding though.

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You can use misha’s toolbox expression element to return a list of texts. But maybe that’s not what you are asking. It’s late here. Need some sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

First of all, I didn’t do a very good job of explaining my issue, so my apologies. Secondly, your suggestion proved very useful for a different issue I encountered, so I wish you hadn’t removed it.

Your suggestion of using a “yes/no” (boolean) to enable entry of string literals into the dynamic expression field was a gem of a tip, so thank you! (It’s not at all clear why Bubble prevents this in certain contexts.)

I used your tip to achieve some number formatting I needed. I’ll be posting my solution to the Tips forum shortly. (I think your tip should be posted there as well.)

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Thanks for the reply. My bad for not explaining my issue very well. I did, however, wind up gleaning some helpful info from this thread. :slightly_smiling_face: