Width not nudging

How do I make the white area in attached image be wider? It is a repeating group.

You need to change the width value. I can explain it better if you share a screenshot of the repeating group’s layout panel.

Thank you. Here is the repeating group’s layout panel:

Everything looks good, so the problem is with the parent group. Can you share the layout panel of the parent group of the repeating group, please?

When I change Column gap it gets a little bit better, but not good enough.

I changed the column gap from 8 to 0.

and it looks like this. Can’t change it more with the column gap. I tried minus value as well. Did not work either (not sure if it even can)

Here is the bottom of the parenting groups layout panel as well.

Can you share the app with me? I can check the problem for you

How do I share the app and only to you?

Settings > General

Now you can share the bubble editor link with me

the bubble editor link is sent to you in a private message

The problem is the layout.

You can group the arrow and the repeating group and be sure the width is 100%.

thanks, I will give it a try

At 52% it is like before (too much unused space between middle navigation and right navigation) and when I increase to 53% the right navigation is kicked out even if there is a enough of space between to use.

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