Work Flow issue when using If

I need help debugging a Work Flow issue.

I have 3 inputs


The value of input B changes the value of input C

So if B = 1 ; C = .1
So if B = 2 ; C = .3
So if B = 3; C = .6

I need to save the result of C and then perform math using that result.

Work Flow

When Input B Changes

Save A
Save B
→ If B = 1 Change C; Save C
→ If B = 2 Change C; Save C
→ If B = 3 Change C; Save C
Math (B*C) Save result

If I go in order, 1, 2, 3 everything is good. After I go to three and go back to 1, the B=3 is saved and it won’t switch.

Any thoughts on a better way to do this?

Hi there, @timlcooley… I could be way off base here, but do you need C at all, and would it simplify things to remove it from the mix? I mean, if you have a field where you are saving the result of the mathematical operation, then it seems like that field’s value would be B * .1 only when B = 1, B * .3 only when B = 2, and B * .6 only when B = 3.

So, I guess I am envisioning a workflow that saves A and B in step one, and then there are three conditional steps (the ones I mentioned above) that save the result.

Any of that make any sense and do you think it could work?

If I am off base, maybe post some screenshots of your current setup because it’s kind of hard to follow what you mean by…

If I go in order, 1, 2, 3 everything is good. After I go to three and go back to 1, the B=3 is saved and it won’t switch.


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Here you go! The issue maybe with the “results from…”

When Input B Changes

Save A
Save B

→ If B = 1 Change C; Save C
→ If B = 2 Change C; Save C
→ If B = 3 Change C; Save C

Math (B*C) Save result

I could still be off base here, but if I am seeing things correctly, I don’t think the thing to change in the last screen shot should be the result of step 4 because step 4 (assuming the screenshots are the steps) isn’t always going to run. Are you using the result of step 4 in that step to try to enforce the order of the workflow steps?

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Yeah I just want to make i get the numbers I need. I had issues in the past where I needed the number from a previous workflow and it would break the end result or not work at all, so I figured if I forced it to calculate I would be ok.

Hmm I removed the Forced “Results of Step 4” and it worked… haha :slight_smile: Thanks for the chat.

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