Work Units Exploding and I cannot stop it

Oh my god what A day

Spend 12h trying to get my WU to STOP.


I did an update and found something must be wrong so I stopped all scheduled workflows. I even stopped over usage and turned it back on

Now I have even rolled back db DATA and SAVEPOINT to before my update.

What can I do I am so fucked, I cannot take my app down as people need It tomorrow but I CANNOT GET IT TO STOP USING 2-6k a min

Looking forward to going to bed now and waking up with WU of 4.3mil at this rate. fuck me probably will loose my job.

go to the logs tab > scheduler > pause tasks

this will stop all workflows in your app from running

you can then review the upcoming workflows to try and figure out where the loop is

second - you can set your max recursive workflows in the settings so that bubble will automatically kill a workflow if it is looping too much (ie I have mine set at 100 since I know I’ll never recurse more than 100 items at a time for my apps).

third - you can then review the workload reports to see where the issue is. a good idea would be to temporarily disable the offending workflows for your users (show them a message whilst it’s off). that way they can still use most of the apps functions whilst you debug the workflow.

forth - make sure to turn the scheduled workflows back on… I’ve often been caught with this and pulled my hair out wondering why things aren’t triggering… I had just left it on paused - don’t forget about that.


All your backend workflow only

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All your other workflows are client side

I did that. But when I turned it back on it started up again…

Backends workflows stopped but when there was nothing going on in backend and no frontend workflows going it was till eating through a bunch of WU

Used over 1mil wu. Nothing I could do

must be a front end workflow then

you should be able to find it easily by checking the reports and seeing what pages/workflows are consuming the most WUs

It wouldnt stop for 1mil wu. Thats my problem

What do the logs say?

Also, are you sure you stopped the right version?