Working with "Add a new page with AI" groups

I “created” a really slick page with the new Add a Page with AI feature. I love the way it looks.

Now I am trying to get it to do something though.

Everything has been done in Groups.
I created a database structure and put some fake entries in there.

Now I am trying to get the data to show up on the page.
I did the same procedure I would for showing data in a Repeating Group, but it doesn’t appear to be working for a regular Group. My error message when I try and setup the Do a Search for is that i’m trying to display a list when I really want to only display one.

Screencap of Do a Search for error and Database Structure.

Are reg Groups incabable of doing this? Does this mean I need to recreate the whole interface in a Repeating Group? (if yes, is there a way to get the AI to make repeating groups and not groups?)

Regular groups can only display one data thing at a time. If you wanna display a list, you need to use a repeating group.

“Do a search for” brings back a list of items, that’s why it isn’t working.

Since you only wanna display one, after putting the expression, Do a Search for; select “first item”. That would select the first item in the list. Or you can select last item to display the most recent item in the list. Or you can make it a random item, or select a specific item by specifying it’s number.

All in all, you need to pick only 1 item

Thanks. I was afraid this might be the case.

Ok. Is it possible to get the AI to generate my layouts with repeating groups instead of reg groups?

What’s the use-case for only displaying one thing at a time? Having trouble abstracting to that.

Found an interesting option.

Its possible to select a Group, right click, and then “Replace the Element Type” to change a Group to a Repeating Group.

So maybe the current methodology is…

Create a New Page with AI
Select Formatted Groups and change them to Repeating Groups
Build workflows