Check if a user with that "email" exists and if not, send an invite?

So what we do is have the ‘Continue with Email’ button run the Sign Up workflow, no matter if the user is signed up or not.

  • If the email exists, it will throw the ‘USED_EMAIL’ error, therefore triggering our Login workflow instead (which is separate from the Sign Up workflow, triggered using the screenshot I sent in my previous reply).

  • If the email doesn’t exist, the Sign Up workflow will run as normal without any errors. We don’t ask users for a password, instead we use passwordless sign in using Bubble’s ‘magic link’ feature.

To work around the password field, we generate users a random password. We generate passwords that are longer/more complex than necessary (probably a lot more secure than the average users’ password :sweat_smile:) to ensure the security of their account. Of course, this password will never be needed, as every time the user logs in, we’ll just send them a magic link email to log in.

Hope this helps!

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