@philnauta Right! I see what you mean; it’s hard to tell in the beginning. It also depends on everything else that will be happening on that page, such as the number of elements and if there will be other queries/searches that need to happen at the same time. Also, doing a search for uses more capacity since it’s server-side and filtering a list uses less since the filtering is client-side.
Just as an example, in one of my apps, I had a tiny text element in a repeating group of 8 items, and that text element displayed the search result in each cell, after doing a search of around 30 records. This single search (which occurred for all 8 items in repeating group), added a 15 second delay to the page load speed time. I re-structured the data so I didn’t need to use a search at all, but it was just an example that even the ‘little’ things can make a difference.
I have this setup in my app as well. When I first set it up, the loading/progress bar at the top would show almost every time a new Message was sent (which made things feel very slow). I then moved the workflow into a custom event, and tried to eliminate any searches in the workflow section, which seems to eliminate the progress bar from showing each time. Is this what you’re experiencing?