I recently read “The Ultimate Guide to Bubble Performance” by Petter Amlie (great book) and have a question about how to structure my database with respect to List of Things vs. Search.
I’ve read that generally speaking, displaying data via Search (one-way link) is “lighter” but using Lists (two-way link) is fine if the List of Things contained within the data type is short. However, Search is preferable due to Privacy Rules. dynamic updating, etc.
Say I’m creating a project management app with the following data types:
Each User is a Parent to a list of Projects (100+)
Each Project is a Parent to a list of Categories (10-20)
Each Category is a Parent to a list of Vendors (10-20)
The app would display the Parent in an RG, then when an item is clicked, it will reveal a list of the Child data (ie: Click on a Project, it will display a list of Categories. Then when a Category is clicked, it will display a list of Vendors).
I currently have it set up so that each Child contains a link to it’s Parent and each Parent contains a List of Children (two-way referencing). However, I’m worried that this will cause performance / scaling issues as each data type will be quite “heavy” as each will contain a List of Things (and even more so since each Parent contains List of Children that each contains a List of Children, etc.).
I could instead “lighten” the data by employing a one-way reference (ie: each Child referencing a single Parent) and using Search to display the data. However, it would seem, for example, that I would then be searching through thousands of Vendors in order find the ones that reference the particular Category I am wanting to display.
Basically, I’m trying to determine the method that would provide the best performance / scaling. I’m a bit confused since the list to display is small relative to it’s parent, but large overall (ie: each User would have thousands of Vendors).