Drag-and-drop ordering perfection

Andrew has an great tutorial on implementing drag-and-drop functionality in repeating groups, but it’s primarily a quick start guide that swaps two items in a list with each other’s position, which is probably not ideal for most use cases.

(For example, if you have 3 items, ABC, and drag A to the C position, the order becomes CBA. The desired behavior would be BCA.)

As such, I’d like to ask how you all managed to solve this. I see that @Scott suggested a clever solution involving averages, though maybe there’s a cleaner way?: Drag - Drop Reorder Your Repeating Group

I’m guessing @emmanuel has a solution here too, as this type of drag-and-drop ordering was integrated into workflows.

Thanks in advance! If I get no replies, I’ll keep working on the problem.

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Pondering this more, it seems the cleanest solution would look something like this:

A counter is created, infinitely increasing (i++).

For the following list of items:
1 Tiger
2 Cat
3 Mouse
4 Dog
5 Lemur

When moving “Cat” To “Dog” down the list (ie. item 2’s order < item 4’s), workflow is:

-Cat (2) new order becomes Dog (4)
-Dog (4) order becomes Dog (4) - 1 (so 3)
-Everything < Dog order is -1

When moving “Dog” To “Cat” up the list (ie. item 2’s order > item 4’s), workflow is:

-Dog (4) new order becomes Cat (2)
-Cat (2) order becomes Cat (2) + 1 (so 3)
-Everything > Cat order is +1

As long as no two numbers are the same, this should work. Now I just have to adjust to the syntax/format Bubble uses.

I’ll keep this thread posted if I ever get this thing working. If there’s a way to select everything before or after a specific integer, I’d love to know.

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How did this go?

Still not working, sadly. After a long period of frustration I shelved this for now, though I’m still convinced it’s a solvable problem. If anyone knows how to select everything after/before a cell’s value, then change those values on certain conditions, that would probably help a lot.

In my workflow, I tried using “Only When” to say “hey, if this thing I’m moving’s cell’s order is greater or less than the thing I’m replacing it with, add/subtract 1.” It didn’t work as expected, which is probably user error.

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positions > dropped in cells index -1 become there position + 1 (this will take care of the the higher positions and the one already in the dropped in cell. Then dragged item gets dropped cells index.

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