Error Handling Backend Workflows

Hey guys! I’m having problems with an API and sometimes it doesn’t respond for 20 seconds and when it does it returns an error! In normal Workflows, I handle errors normally but backend I couldn’t handle …

I tried with An unhandled error occurs and did not catch the error and performed the actions, there is no such action in the backend workflows …

I tried using Steps after the one that calls the API, as I show in the image, but the error causes the workflow to stop and does not reach this step I created to deal with …

Checking in the LOG, only the error message appears (Workflow error - Temporary error connecting to API_LI Cons Peds Update p / Data) and nothing else happens …
Does anyone know a way to show me?

Sorry if something is not understood, I am using Google Translate …

Create an Integromat Webhook. Put the API call in there. Call the webhook instead of the API.

The pass back a 200 to Bubble, and the actual API response in a parameter.

Handle from there. has a video on how to do this.


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