Google Ads - Quality score impacted by speed of the website. Any tips & tricks?

Hey @cm1,

U might want to address the following if not done yet.

  1. Minimize HTTP requests
  2. Use Gzip compression
  3. Use HTTP caching
  4. Move all CSS style rules into a single, external, and minified CSS file
  5. Minify all JS files and combine them into a single external JS file
  6. Include external CSS files before external JS files
  7. Place your JS scripts at the bottom of your page
  8. Optimize images → Compress and resize your images with some free online tools (I like Resize Image 3 for resizing, and 10 for compressing).
  9. Reduce redirects → Stay on top of this (Settings → SEO / metatags → 301 Redirections).

Reduce the number of plug-ins → Make sure you uninstall unused plugins.

For any help, check this out Ways to Speed Up Your Website
Also you can go through this as well, SEO settings that bubble has available for you

Feel free to DM me if I can help in any other way.

Take Care. Regards.

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