Hi @topherwilliams,
I looked at your server logs, and there is a spike in your max capacity chart (Settings > Capacity) that aligns with when you posted this.
Some workflow with “heavy” action(s) sent your app into max capacity, which would explain why your app timed out. Further down the page you can view capacity consumption. I generated a chart for the same time frame (7 am Eastern to 6 hrs later).
You can drill down on each piece of the chart to get more specific, and eventually you’ll be taken to the exact element, action, workflow event, etc. responsible for it.
From what I can see, you might need to re-work some of the logic to make it more efficient. I’m seeing a ton of “Search for” expressions in a single “Send Email” action that might be creating a bottleneck, exceeding capacity, and ultimately timing out.
Hope this helps!
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