Hey Grace, thanks for stopping by the channel, and welcome to the forums
I think the questions you have posted are at such a high level, it’s difficult to answer them briefly. I think what you need is a bit of training and practice and getting to know Bubble. If you need to fasttrack it, there are excellent coaches that you can find by posting in the freelance section of the forum, or you can enjoy your journey and read through the forums here for leads.
Though your questions would require quite a bit of time to answer, I can at least give you starting points for each of your questions - after, it would probably be easier for us volunteers to help you if you keep your questions very specific, short and provide screenshots in support. Since you asked on the channel, I thought I’d help exceptionally - I wouldn’t normally have the time to answer such sweeping questions.
1.1) The layout you’re asking for isn’t a problem, forcing the download seems to be. I’ve yet to find a workable solution for forcing a download instead of navigating. Using the download parameter in < a > tag doesn’t work on Bubble, to my knowledge. I do have a current project with this requirement, the next thing I’m trying is this: https://bubble.io/plugin/file-downloader-1539124824422x194279356396994560
Perhaps you can let me know if it worked, or vice versa.
1.2) Selecting who can view files is best done through the privacy roles/rules. You can start here: https://manual.bubble.io/working-with-data/privacy-and-security, the repeating group will only load the files you allow.
Use the element popup, or learn how to build an SPA. You can start here: What do you think...single page vs multi page?
You can load in the current user, add permissions to the user type, and build out your checkboxes to modify those. You can use the new permissions in tandem with the privacy rules to control who can see what. -
The first step would be to define it to yourself in clear English, then build out the privacy roles.
If you built out permissions fields for users, you can edit them the same way you edit any other data field.
Most of your questions seem to revolve around privacy roles, and the best way to get somewhere is trial and error. Build out your own tests to figure out what works and doesn’t. If you get stuck and have more specific questions with screenshots, post them here.