Is it just me or "a thing" is only limited to 7 fields?


ive tried to create fields in a thing. but the 8th fields isnt showing in database. but when i set the parameter to forward the information from this “thing” (including the 8th field that is not showing in the database) to the next page’s output using repeating group, it shows the whole field’s information instead limiting it to current cell’s thing’s field.

Please help me out hereee

Could you post screenshots of what you’re seeing (or not seeing)? Hard to provide a concrete explanation based on your post.

Thank you for your reply.

this is the form input to create my client database.

these are the fields needed in the database.

as you can see it only shows 7 field in the database. (missing name, mobile number and type) im currently using a free edition to play around and further understanding on how to use bubble. do i need to upgrade my plan to be able to add more fields on my database?

From the database view, Bubble’s preview only provides the first handful of columns. If you want to display all of the fields (or a different subset, along with constraints), you need to set up a custom view.

See video below for a quick walkthrough of how to set up a custom database view.



Thank you that really helped me!!!

one more question if u dont mind, how do i show uploaded file in my database. type of visual should i use?

Could you clarify a bit more? (Ie. in what context are you looking to show that a file has been uploaded)?

i want it to display the name of the file which is also the link that would open another page what would display the file with the option to download it. mosly image file.

In case you didn’t see it, I believe @petter addressed your question on the other thread where you asked this question.

true. but how do i make the file downloadable? sorry its my 4th day using bubble. newbie here

That’s really helpful! I had been wondering about this for a while.

@acap welcome to Bubble. It’s good to see that you’re diving in directly to learning and I hope you’re enjoying it.

In your first few days (weeks) of learning, I encourage you to read through the documentation, explore Bubble’s tutorials and search the forums. and take a look at the community resources. (I really recommend video-based resources since there’s a lot that you can pick up from seeing people click different things, navigate processes, etc. Part of the reason why I developed a video-based lesson platform called LearnTo).

@k.linda5498 glad that helped you as well!

ive finished the documentation and learnt from a course that i brought from udermy. as for now i am trying to build a system to help legal firm manage their files.

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this is what ive build so far with a working backend. just trying to figure out few things here and there to play around with logis to get around with a few things

Good that you’re making swift progress. Given the type of application you’re designing, I think a great area to explore next (if you haven’t already) is building out privacy roles (and general security measures) in Bubble. It’s an often overlooked part of the building process when users are getting started, but certainly one of the most essential.

Hi Dan…thanks!.this anwer my question the whole last 6 months bubbling as a newbie


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@dan1 what is the best method to do database tagging? as u can see from my system, i have a client and matter database. under client there could be multiple matter. how do i attach these matter to one specific client? for example:

Client: A and client B (2 clients)

Matter: 1, matter2, matter 3, until 7 (7 matters)

Matter 1,3,6,7 belong to client A

Matter 2,4 and 5 belong to Client B

how do i tag/attach specific matter to specific client?

i hope u understand my question.

The concept you’re referring to is how to effectively set up a relational database (ie. User A is connected to Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3). On LearnTo (my tutorials site), I have a good number of tutorials covering this concept.

I might suggest watching the lesson (linked below) from my public library (on Youtube) about how to build a grocery list app. (One of my go-to’s for getting started with relational databases). The lesson takes you through the progressive stages of thinking about a database (first with simple text-based lists, then into more complex relational setup_.

While it may not seem exactly relevant at first, if you can build a grocery list app, you can build just about any relational database you need to in Bubble.

@dan1ive watched ur video. the problem for my system is im attaching my data to a client which is not a user. a user would be the legal firm. they are storing the clients details similar to crm. and the data that i want to attach is a whole “thing” which is multiple fields.

The logic for doing so is fairly straightforward. If you want to create clients, you need to create the notion of a “Client” in your database structure.

Then, you will either a) store the relevant items in a “list” of the relevant data (ie. a list of “Matters”) to the given client. Or, for each given “Matter”, you would have a field for “Client”, where you would save the relevant client’s Unique ID (that way you can retrieve items via a search).

thank you!!! ive figured it out with your help!

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