Multiple image upload guide

Hello everyone recently i faced idea of preshowing multiple uploaded images of item, at add item page
i found out it could made by plugin Multiple image but implementation is ugly (my opinion)

so i want to share my solution and would like to hear feedback from you about implementation is it any good or has issues i didnt thought about

so this is what i wanted to pre-show images on add item page

fisrt of all lets imagine workflow

we need to create “buffer zone”

i called it temporaryimages with image and list of images
so when upload image is clicked list of images add image from upload

then on second step i would reset relevant input, means that upload image would reset


and after you finish filling all inputs and press create item

you would delete data from temporaryimages

so final workflow is this


:+1: This is a nice solution and something I may attempt for my photo presentation app. This would allow me to show the user thumbnail previews and the ability to add a caption next to the photo. Then I can record everything in the database and present it on a page with multiple images and their corresponding captions.