PDF Conjurer - issue with backend generating PDFs

Hello Bubblenauts! :rocket:

I hope some of you (maybe @vini_brito ?)can help me with this plugin.

What I want:
I need a pdf to be generated and sent to the user’s email. I don’t want to do this within two workflows on the frontend, because I’m afraid that it might crash somewhere and the pdf won’t reach the user, so I chose the option via the backend.

Where is the problem:
If I click on the action button, I get an error: “Plugin action Conjure pdf error: TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'defaultFonts’of 'configs’as it is null” (more on screenshot).

I think it’s because I don’t have “previous step result” filled in Conjure PDF, but I don’t know what to write there.

Can you please advise me?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi! You do want to fill in that ‘Previous step result’ with dynamic data, specifically the result of the previous step. Bubble should automatically complete this so it shows 'Result of step 3 (Create text…)‘s Configurations’.