Roughing in an App and using a UX designer

+1 to everything @boston85719 and @chris10 already mentioned.

I just shared a bit of my own experience with design on another thread: Bubble Designer.

Further, I would say design choices - with capital D - are difficult. In my day job, I train and coach product owners. After years observing them struggle, there are 2 pieces of advice that really seem to resonate with them:

  1. go back to the core of the problem.
    Your app is trying to solve someone’s problem, really dive in to who is having the problem, figure out what’s the context of that user. That will help narrow the amount of options.

  2. there are lots of choices, just choose one.
    Not every choice needs to have solid reasoning.

One tool that I’ve been enjoying a lot is Basecamp’s Breadboarding technique (from the book Shape Up, chapter 4). It quickly lets me get to the core decisions of the app. In 2 minutes you might get the gist of it and start using it.

Another great resource, is Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Design. It’s a great framework; see everything as a hypothesis and think how to prove / disprove it.

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