Hi guys. Is it possible to setup a default picture which will be shown if anyone wants to post a link to my app?
I’m not sure this helps. I am talking about whenever someone is posting the link to my app like https:\XXXXXXX.bubleapps.io on Facebook it gets the title and no picture. I want to have more controll over this and let myself decide which picture and title is shown whenever anyone is posting the link on Facebook, Linkeding, etc.
I’m not sure how to do to this in Bubble but here is an article about how Facebook determines what to use by default, and how you can adjust it manually. I think this would be added in the SEO, Metatags section of your Bubble app?
Hey there,
Just to clarify, you want there to be a default picture that appears whenever a user makes a post, but want that image to be customizable by the user?
I think he’s looking to control which image is associated with the link preview to his app when others share that link on Facebook:
Ah, thanks for the clarification!
If that is indeed the case, then I do not believe that is possible under Bubble’s current functionality, unfortunately.
No prob! Right, the Metatags section may not be where this goes. But if anyone knows a way please let us know!
Spot on! I need control over
a) that header on top of the link
b) I want a default picture whenever the link is posted, none at the moment.
While it ok for the picture, I need to check how Facebook tags work (many thanks for the link), I noticed a strange behavior for the header part. By default it comes from the page name, which is fine. But when I change the name to smth else, its visible when you click on the link, it comes as the tab name, but in Facebook window I still see the old name. I see it in the source code (click on inspect), but I do not now to trace it down to the bubble field((((
Use Open graph meta tags in the page header:
<meta property="og:title" content="Text goes here" />"
<meta property="og:description" content="Description goes here" />
<meta property="og:image" content="Image url goes here" />
Thank you! I’m still struggling to do the image link. I figured out I could create a dedicated page, put an image there. If I test that link in a browser, it works fine. But when I put it like in the header, Facebook fails to pick it up.
I also noticed that meta convention expects to have .jpg in the link, but this does not work with my link, if I add .jpg it fails to show anything.