Hello guys,
I am new here and on searching the forum I noticed this looks like a thing that happens often based on these posts;
"Temporary Bug" Error | Temporary bug issue | What is a temporary bug and how to resolve?
I am experiencing the same when I try to use google login by Bubble.
DEV LINK: https://dynamo-os-test.bubbleapps.io/version-test/onboard_team?code=TESTCODE
- To login the user via google through the link above sent earlier to user’s email which has a unique code
- Check if Current User’s email / Google email has a certain string and run different workflows based on that. ( i.e. WHEN email contains “@example1.com”, do this or that)
Here is the error log that is thrown in the console;
x7:9 Unexpected server error: please report the code parameter to the team
at Object.r.from_json_client (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:500755)
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:9:137509
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:535005
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:534768
at e.resolve (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:534205)
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:9:115652
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:9:750188
at Object.O [as WaitFor] (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:527777)
at Function.r.wait_for_lib (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:18:327618)
at Object.l.recheck_uid (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:9:749894)
at Object.<anonymous> (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:9:115619)
at i (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:2:27983)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:2:28749)
at A (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:4:14203)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/51199db…/xfalse/x7:4:16491)
code: "1596705130215x917430897084824400"
element_instance: e
canvas: a.fn.init [button#btn-google-login.bubble-element.Button.clickable-element]
children: []
container: t {owner_instance: e, container_canvas: a.fn.init(1), owner: undefined, elements: {…}, boxes: {…}, …}
element: t {fake: undefined, json: t, _type: "Button", E: {…}, get_static_property_run_cache_1_param: ƒ, …}
mode: "run"
__dimension_box_width: ƒ ()
__to_string: "ElementInstance:Button"
_created_watchers: {button_disabled: true, state:State<1596705130168x741>: true, bgcolor: true, state:State<1596705130168x739>: true, state:State<1596705130168x740>: true}
_destroy_fns: (5) [ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ]
_edit_mode: false
_has_been_hidden: false
_initialized: true
_is_animating: undefined
_is_visible: true
_is_visible_cbs: []
_is_visible_dependency: e {runs: {…}, count: 0, no_scheduled_collection: true}
_is_visible_me: true
_msg_handlers: {add_tab_index: Array(2)}
_our_children_drawn: t {timeout_length: null, name: "_our_children_drawn", _turned: true}
_p_context: {element: e, datasources: {…}}
_responsive_mode: false
_run_mode: true
_setting_visible: false
_states: {tab_index: ƒ, is_hovered: ƒ}
_thumbnail_mode: false
bgcolor: e {_ar_object: {…}, ready: true, error: null, value: "rgba(66, 133, 244, 1)", evaluate: ƒ, …}
button_disabled: e {_ar_object: {…}, ready: true, error: null, value: false, evaluate: ƒ, …}
state:State<1596705130168x739>: e {_ar_object: {…}, ready: true, error: null, value: null, evaluate: ƒ, …}
state:State<1596705130168x740>: e {_ar_object: {…}, ready: true, error: null, value: false, evaluate: ƒ, …}
state:State<1596705130168x741>: e {_ar_object: {…}, ready: true, error: null, value: false, evaluate: ƒ, …}
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
event: t {json: t, E: {…}, _field_names: {…}}
log: Array(2)
0: "resuming workflow at action cmMsR OAuthLogin"
1: "about to resume OAuthLogin cmMsR"
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)
server_generated: true
__proto__: Object
Any help / pointers would be appreciated.