30 Boosts shipped! July 2024 Boost Days Recap

Can some one please explain to dumb me what is the logical reason some one at bubble thought it was a good idea to default a new group to 140 width and 140 height when we group to elements together?

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People, just noticed it and I know it is small, but doesn’t nr. 25. “Fit width to content popups: Popups in the editor now have “fit width to content,” ensuring a clean and responsive design without the need for manual size adjustments.” makes you want to hug the person who requested it and the developer who implemented it"?

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Phan, probably an unintended side effect of:


Thank you SO much for making the search results window resizable!!!


hey all, happy to share that the team took another look at the 140px initial size and made a tweak:

We have deployed a change. The group size is now 40x40 for all new groups and grouped elements (where fit to content does not already resize the group accordingly)


Thats great, it was driving me crazy. I’d go even lower on the height, ideally under 20px.


Congrats! So many improvements, that were all long overdue :grin: I hope you will continue with this kind of sprints in the future, it really makes our lives easier as Bubble developers!


I’d even say no min-height with the “Group elements in” action!

That is great they made a tweak. An optimal tweak would be that when we drag a group onto the canvas it has a min height of 20px and min width of 20px with no max width or height.

When we have elements selected and use the group in a container there should be no min height and no max height with default to fit height to content. It is very annoying and jarring to group a text element with 16px font size (so only 16px in height as an element) to then have the new group it was grouped into to be much larger; 40 is less than 60 which was less than 140, but still likely even at 40px will cause many many developers to need to change it.

Seems like consensus has been 20px or less…I’d say do not do less as for new users if they drag a group onto the canvas they still need to see the group as there and have a dropzone, but anything about 20px is likely still not getting to the root of the issue and the requests.


Nice job team.

agree with 20px

Thanks, that’s better than the previous 140px default value, which made it a chore to group the elements with the defaulted width so I had to revert the values.

Maybe a 20px default could be the best option here.

Wow! That is a lot of work there! Many of these items will help me.

Thank you, Thank you!

20 px would be acceptable, please proceed :rofl:

Very valid points @boston85719

I do think it is not that hard to have an initially height and width which on dropping something in it will change to 0.

Doing so will make everyone happy I think.

Good job bubble dev team.

You’ve made some much needed bug fixes to the platform. I suggest you put your feature roadmap on hold for the rest of the year and continue to focus on fixing all the bugs in the existing features. Imagine if we had another 3 of these “boost days” this year… bubble editor might actually work without any annoying bugs.

The 140px element size shouldn’t be set in the style editor for all element styles… then each user can adjust it themselves to their liking. Imagine being able to add a button or group and have it added to the page with your own preset width and height… what a dream lol.

With the hot keys I’ve noticed that you can tab between fields but I can’t figure out how to actually enter into the field to edit the data so I’m still just using mouse (in the property editor on windows).

Good overall progress, I just hope you hold here and do bug fixes for a while instead of trying to push out too many new features…


Thank you very much! Any idea on when mobile app functionality will be released?

Hi @jameson,

Please see this thread: Bubble Mobile Apps Editor Roadmap and Timeline - #20 by nick.carroll

Just noticed this:

These little bits make such a big difference!



Please guys, this is an incredibly small tweak but, please add a bit more padding on the right side of the dropdown element. It looks so incredibly bad and amateurish, when people make posts on social media forums about Bubble this isn’t the type of impression you want to give off.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 020448

Inspired by this tweet: