I saw a video on how to add a loading element, and it was just using conditions on when the page is fully loaded.
I’m not sure that will work for what I’m looking for, since I have a backend process when a page is loaded that sometimes takes a little bit. I would like to show this loading animation until the backend process is finished, and I’m wondering if this is possible to do?
I was thinking of adding it to the page load that triggers the backend process, but not sure if it actually waits for the backend process is done before moving onto the next step.
If the backend workflow is connected to the database (for example: current page’s session) you can set a Boolean that changes to “no” by the end of the workflow, and show the loader as long as this field is “yes”
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When I create a list of things using backend, I have a count of the things being created, and on my front end I launch a loading element that is counting the number of things loaded. When number of things found = count of things scheduled, the loading element goes away. I incorporated a loading bar that advances incrementally based on the same ratio:

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Thank you everyone. I’m not sure if it’s the best way, but what I ended up doing seems to be working. I think it’s similiar to what @ilanmichalby said. The record that I have on the main page I added a Loading yes/no field. So when the page is loaded I set it to yes, and just added a step on the backend workflow to after it ends to switch it to “no”. This seems to be working.
While this works for this method I think some of the others are also great to know for other situations. Thank you.
If it’s not a recursive workflow, you could also return at the end of the flow a Boolean value to identify if the workflow is complete
Hi Johnny, is this part of the new ‘returning data’ feature recently added to backend custom events? I’m still not as familiar with triggering a value on the front end when a workflow is complete (not without doing a search like I mentioned earlier in this thread).
Nope, this is what I would do:
In the front-end, I would:
- Show Loading Screen
- Kick off backend workflow
- Set a state of the page or element or something so that you know when its completed based on the return from the backend workflow
Have a When… happens action, so whenever the state is showing finished it hides the loading screen
In the backend, I would insert the following action at the end of it:

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