Add details step for step not working

I want to make a system where the under can add details such as title, description, etc.

I want to make it so that it’s one page with “fill in title” then the user should click next and then get one page “fill in a description” and so forth.

I’ve tried doing it with hide and show elements but doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestions?


You need groups here. Group elements and clicking on “Next” will hide current group and show the next group.

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I did that and it worked for the first two, but that the third group didn’t show up :frowning: Do you know why maybe?

You might have made the wrong workflow for the second button. You may have forgotten to hide the previous group…

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Also instead of HIDE/SHOW ELEMENT I’d use custom states & conditionals.

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The simplest approach is to group that “Next” button with current group. So when current group hides, that “Next” button also hides and a new group with its own “Next” button will show up.
You might be having the same Next button for all groups. I can be completely wrong though

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Alright! Thanks! Sounds pretty smart :slight_smile: Im a complete beginner, how do i do that?

Thank you, although i’ve done that. I have a unique button for each group

Watch this:

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I’ll do! Thanks

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