After Purchase Workflow

hello, I am trying to make a workflow so that the customer can view the product after purchase. after the payment goes through the product does not display. it’s an e-commerce site where users can sell their art

Put onto User data type a field that is list of purchased products. After purchase add product to that field. Only show users products in their purchased product list field.

would you be able to show me a visual

hold products in a cart, link the cart to the user

generally an ecommerce app has these data tables

cart items (allows for quantity)
product variations
address (shipping/billing etc)

if you hold the products on the cart then each checkout is 1 cart - this way users can see their most recent carts plus all previous purchased carts (and the carts items)

i want them to be able to view a digital product after purchase

nvm i think i figured it out. thx

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