AI Summaries of News Stories


Interested in building a news website that takes longer stories from the web and breaks them down into 30 second reads, providing as much information as possible and eliminating bias.

I plan to do this with AI.

Does anyone have a rough outline of how this can be done on Bubble?

Appreciate any help or suggestions.

I don’t want to discourage you but people wouldn’t design this system from scratch for you. This requires some nice time investment. However, I can suggest you a way to continue: Ask chatgpt for starters.

I have warmed up chatgpt with this message:

Hi. I am building an app with Bubble. I will paste the idea here. Can you give me a starting data model, UI model and workflow model please?

And I pasted your description in the question. It came with the following explanation. Not bad to keep the ball rolling :slight_smile: You can continue asking questions and make it better.

Building a news website that utilizes AI to summarize longer stories into 30-second reads and aims to eliminate bias sounds like an exciting project! Let’s break down the key components: data model, UI design, and workflow model.

Data Model:

  1. User Profile:

    • User ID
    • Username
    • Email
    • Password (hashed)
    • Preferences (e.g., topics of interest)
  2. Articles:

    • Article ID
    • Title
    • URL
    • Publication Date
    • Full Content (original article text)
    • Summarized Content (generated by AI)
    • Source (optional, for attribution)
  3. Summaries:

    • Summary ID
    • Article ID (linked to the original article)
    • Summary Text
    • Timestamp
    • AI Confidence Score (optional, to indicate the reliability of the summary)

UI Model:

  1. Homepage:

    • Display top stories or curated articles.
    • Search bar to find articles based on keywords.
    • Option to filter articles by topic or category.
  2. Article Page:

    • Display the original article text.
    • Show the summarized version generated by AI.
    • Option to read the full article on the original source.
  3. User Profile:

    • Allow users to update their preferences.
    • Display saved articles or favorites.

Workflow Model:

  1. User Signup/Login:

    • Users can create accounts or log in using email/password or social media authentication.
  2. Article Retrieval:

    • Fetch articles from various sources or RSS feeds based on user preferences.
  3. AI Summarization:

    • Upon adding a new article to the system, trigger the AI to generate a summary.
    • Store the summarized content in the database.
  4. Displaying Summaries:

    • On the homepage, display a list of summarized articles.
    • Allow users to click on an article to view the full summary.
  5. Original Article Access:

    • Provide a link to the original article for users who want to read more.
  6. User Interactions:

    • Allow users to save articles, mark them as favorites, or share them.
    • Implement a feedback mechanism for users to rate the quality of summaries.
  7. Preferences and Personalization:

    • Allow users to customize their news feed based on topics of interest.
    • Use machine learning algorithms to suggest articles based on user behavior and preferences.
  8. Quality Control:

    • Implement checks to ensure the accuracy and impartiality of the summaries generated by AI.
    • Allow users to report inaccuracies or biases in the summaries.

Bubble provides a visual development platform, so you can easily drag and drop elements to create your UI and define workflows using their workflow editor. This outline should give you a solid starting point for building your news website on Bubble. Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance with any specific aspect!

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Yes, I totally understand no one will design it from scratch!

I was asking for any pointers, any specific ways to do such a thing.

For example, incorporating the AI into the app, then making the app pull stories from the internet, etc.